Division of Student Affairs Blog

News and information beyond the classroom

Dear students,

I hope you are well! As I am sure that you are, I am eagerly anticipating the first day of classes for Fall semester 2020 a month from yesterday.

I am following up on our recent communication to you about Return to Campus plans from President Rao and Dr. Klink and our expectations of you to maintain a healthy community in the midst of this terrible pandemic. Unfortunately, it has been reported to us that some students, and specifically students involved in greek organizations, are choosing to engage in intentional, risky behaviors that not only threaten their own well-being, but put other members of our community at risk. These behaviors, including large group gatherings and COVID-themed parties that have been posted on social media, reinforce negative stereotypes about college students and their social responsibilities and priorities.

My experience is that most VCU students positively impact their communities through their academic and extracurricular activities and students in fraternity and sorority life are no exception. These times are extraordinary, and have taxed both individual and communal resiliency. However, we must continue to be vigilant and do our utmost over the next few months so that we can return to campus and be successful.

As student leaders, I expect you to be a part of the conversation and to be the example for others. Take a pause and consider if you are influencing others in a way that supports our community and where we can all be together in spirit if not in proximity.


Reuban B. Rodriguez, Ed.D.
Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students

Categories Fall 2020 - Spring 2021