Category results for: Sheila Crowley
Congratulations to 2022 VCU Alumni Stars Kimsey, Yeatts
Disrupted by COVID, the VCU Alumni Stars celebration skipped a year, but the wait was worth it for two School of Social Work graduates. The recently biennial recognition returned for the first time since 2019, and Karen Elizabeth Kimsey (M.S.W.’96/SW; Cert.’96/HP) and Emily Yeatts (B.A.’09/WS; B.A.’09/WS; Cert.’09/WS; M.S.W.’12/SW; M.P.H.’12/M; Cert.’12/GPA) were both honored Sept. 29 […]
Social Justice in Politics with Dr. Charles Lewis
The VCU School of Social Work welcomed Charles E. Lewis, Ph.D., founder and director of the Congressional Research Institute of Social Work and Policy (CRISP), to a virtual event, Social Justice in Politics: Get out the vote in 2020, on Sept. 16. Lewis, a social worker, discussed the role of social work in the democratic […]