School of Social Work

No. 28 M.S.W. Program in the U.S.

105 moments of service

As the VCU School of Social Work recognizes our 105th anniversary this October, we are celebrating through 105 Moments of Service to the local communities we hold dear.

Throughout the 2022-23 academic year, we’ll be providing opportunities for community service, and encouraging all members of our school family to join with us, or to engage in their own group or individual acts of service.

105 Moments of Service kickoff event. 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27. Trunk or Treat at Blackwell Elementary School, 300 E. 15th St., Richmond

The school is partnering with Communities in Schools of Richmond to help provide a night of fun, fellowship and, of course, candy, for the Blackwell Elementary School Bears on Oct. 27. To participate, volunteers must register themselves and their vehicles by Oct. 20. Volunteers can also contact Louise Glasgow for more information at [email protected].

The School of Social Work encourages everyone to look for opportunities in their own communities with colleagues, families, friends and neighbors.

Help the school celebrate those you are supporting and the collective impact we can have in our communities. Share your acts on social media with the hashtag #105moments and tag our school accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. You can also submit details and a photo of your service moments, and we’ll post those directly from our accounts.

The connections we have forged with our communities and partners for more than a century help define us as a school, and it is in our moments of service where we continue to strengthen those bonds. Please join us!

Categories Alumni, Community, Faculty and staff, Students
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