Social work-led project to reduce homelessness receives $800K+ grant

Two VCU School of Social Work associate professors, Maurice N. Gattis, Ph.D., and M. Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., have secured a Virginia Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grant
The $883,014 grant builds on a previously funded project and will work to reduce homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth, pregnant and parenting youth, and young people at the intersection of these groups. The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development administers the trust fund and grant process.

The goal of the project is to implement a shared housing model, one that could be implemented throughout Virginia to address homelessness among the targeted populations, which are disproportionately affected by housing insecurity and homelessness.
“We have been designing this new model of service delivery in conjunction with members of the community and service providers during this past year as there is a gap in local service delivery for the unique and specific needs of the population,” Gattis says. “The pilot and testing will be helpful as we decide what the model should look like moving forward and who should deliver it.”
» See the full story at VCU News.
Categories Community, Research