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Planning Grants funded through this DCL are expected to cultivate research teams that
actively address the expansion or enhancement of an existing test bed to evaluate the impact
on and interaction with users of novel AI methods. Proposers supported through this DCL
may use the funding to organize activities that help stimulate the formation of AI-Ready Test
Bed teams [in terms of Principal Investigator (PI), co-PI, Senior/Key Personnel, and
organization type] and crystalize the ideas and research plans to be presented in a future AIReady Test Bed proposal.
Examples of application domains cover all major areas, such as: urban and regional
transportation networks; telecommunications networks; power grid control; development,
monitoring, maintenance, and repair of urban infrastructure; multi-level healthcare delivery
systems: criminal justice system; human and social services requiring coordination across
several city or community offices; allocation of public services; public safety; automated
farming and food distribution; autonomous scientific laboratories; and manufacturing including
the industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), materials and labor pipelines, warehousing, and
Given the complexity of an AI-Ready Test Bed, NSF recognizes that many teams will identify
important research priorities but may not have the full complement of skills needed to
effectively address the challenge. The Planning Grant can be used to support team-formation
activities that create opportunities for the development of partnerships between researchers,
organizations and existing test beds or infrastructure that are bi-directional and mutually
beneficial, thus engaging a wide array of perspectives and scientific talent to address the
national needs and grand challenges presented in AI.

To be considered for an AI-Ready Test Bed Planning Grant, planning proposals must be
submitted by 5:00 p.m., submitting organization’s local time, on November 13, 2024.
PIs must submit a Concept Outline to [email protected] prior to submission of a
planning proposal to aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration
under this opportunity. Guidance on Concept Outlines can be found in in Chapter I.D.1 of the
NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG). Proposers must include the
email from the NSF AI-Ready Test Beds team encouraging submission in the Program
Officer Concurrence Email(s) section of the planning proposal.

The budget for a planning proposal may be up to $100,000 per year, with total funding
requested of up to $200,000 for up to 24 months.

Categories Funding, NSF

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