Aug. 25, 2023: “Tapping into the collective intellect of our faculty and staff.”
Provost Fotis Sotiropoulos addressed the One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force on Friday, August 25, 2023. The Provost’s remarks coincided with the conclusion of the first phase of the task force’s work. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let me begin by thanking you for all of the time and effort you have invested into the […]
Meeting Update: Aug. 16, 2023
After a brief opening by the co-chairs, the Task Force broke into work groups for the majority of the meeting. At the next meeting, to be held on Friday, Aug. 25, each group will provide a summary report of their findings and begin the next phase of their work. The meeting agenda and slide deck […]
Meeting Update: Aug. 9, 2023
This meeting focused on work in individual work groups. The co-chairs and deans were available for questions. The meeting agenda and slide deck are available here.
Meeting Update: Aug. 2, 2023
Deans Boyd and Ogbonna provided an update on the next steps of the work groups. On Aug. 25 the work groups will transition into exploring opportunities for creativity and innovation in the structure of VCU’s academic enterprise. In addition, Mike Jones, director of business intelligence in VCU Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRDS), provided an […]
Meeting update
Phase 2 – Information Gathering Meeting Date: July 26, 2023 (Zoom) The work groups met for the full meeting and continued the process of information gathering. The work groups organized methods for looking at the internal workings and program offerings of their assigned VCU units, as well as the structure, organization and programmatic offerings of […]
Task force scaffolding and first two meeting updates
Phase 1 – Charge and Purpose Meeting Date: July 10, 2023 (in-person) The kick-off meeting of the One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force was held on campus at the James Branch Cabell Library. The members were welcomed by university leadership and provided an overview of the task force charge and purpose. Garret Westlake, executive director […]
New & Growing Programs – Evidence of a Healthy Academic Structure
Earlier messages discussed the “Perfect Storm” facing the higher education sector and the enrollment growth most of Virginia’s big public universities enjoy despite those challenges. So, how are they doing that, exactly? To a large degree, they are driving their enrollment growth by leveraging new academic programs created over the past decade, as you can […]
An Enrollment Outlier
We strive to be unique at VCU. Afterall, that’s one of those UN-words that undergird the university’s relatively new UNcommon marketing campaign. We embrace our UNstoppable students, their UNtraditional approaches to problems large and small, and the UNlimited potential they offer the world. (In fact, we need their help as we confront the “Perfect Storm” […]
Higher Education’s “Perfect Storm”
There are challenges specific to VCU that compel us to reposition the university’s academic enterprise. The One VCU Repositioning Task Force being assembled for that work, however, must go further than meeting just our current needs; they must position VCU to thrive amidst the circumstances threatening America’s entire system of higher education. Three factors, occurring […]
End of Year Message: Repositioning VCU’s Academic Enterprise for Long-Term Success
Dear VCU Faculty Members: Thank you for all that you have done to make this a successful academic year for the amazing students we serve. As we head into the summer months I want to share with you some of the challenges facing VCU along with some of the efforts that we are taking, in collaboration […]