President’s Posts

Michael Rao, Ph.D.

Category results for: David X. Cifu

VCU will lead $50M study of traumatic brain injuries in military personnel

Dear VCU and VCU Health colleagues, It is our pleasure to announce that the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs awarded Virginia Commonwealth University a $50 million grant to oversee a national research consortium of universities, hospitals and clinics that will study the long-term impacts of mild traumatic brain injuries on service members and veterans. Dr. David X. […]

VCU Libraries: 3 million volumes strong

At a nationally premier research university, having a nationally premier library matters. I could not be more proud of VCU Libraries and the legacy of learning they have inspired for more than a century. VCU Libraries are profoundly important to our emergence as one of America’s most-respected urban public research universities. Earlier this academic year, […]