Our January 2024 newsletter
View our January 2024 newsletter, looking back at the last six or so months of activity at the VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center. Here’s a message from that newsletter from the PMDC director Brian Berman, MD, MS. Many times when I tell others about the work we do at the Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders […]
Nursing specialty change brings new NP to PMDC
In April, the PMDC picked up a new nurse practitioner who has turned her focus from surgery and critical care to movement disorders.
New clinic will aid autonomic symptoms in Parkinson’s and MSA patients
A new clinic that will help treat autonomic symptoms experienced by patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is expected to get moving in early 2024.
A temp job becomes permanent for new PMDC community outreach coordinator
Meet the new PMDC community engagement and outreach coordinator.
Reaching for Center of Excellence status for Lewy Body Dementia
The Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center is applying for designation as a Research Center of Excellence for Lewy body dementia (LBD), which would help further PMDC’s efforts to find better ways to treat people with that disease.
PMDC funds three interdisciplinary scientific investigations
The Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center awarded $50,000 each to three VCU investigators researching neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other types of movement disorders.
Moving deeper into multiple movement disorders
Download and view our July 2023 newsletter, looking back at the last six months at the PMDC. With our recognition last year as a Center of Excellence for Parkinson’s disease care, the VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center (PMDC) has rightly received lots of attention lately for the cutting-edge research we’re pursuing into that disease. […]
Patients with Parkinson’s disease hit the wall to improve mind and body
Mike Hoyt ties into his harness and is connected, by that rope, to the top of a wall some 50 feet high. He places one foot on the wall, then one hand, the other foot, now the other hand, and maneuvers his way to the top before letting go and being brought slowly down to […]
VCU researchers search for answers to causes of dystonia in research studies
Dystonia is considered the third most common movement disorder. It can be a spontaneous isolated condition, or it can be seen in patients taking anti-psychotic medications as well as those with Parkinson’s disease or those who have suffered a stroke or traumatic brain injury. In many cases, the root cause of a patient’s dystonia remains […]
New PMDC physician brings focus on healthcare disparities and DEI
Stephanie Bissonnette, DO, MPH recently joined the VCU Department of Neurology, bringing a commitment to addressing the healthcare disparities many patients with movement disorders face. Dr. Bissonnette started in January as a new movement disorders specialist and core member of the VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center. She also leads efforts directed toward promoting equal care of […]