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VCU School of Pharmacy professor Patty Slattum is co-investigator for a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration.

The funds will be used to support interprofessional geriatrics training from pre-clinical to practice levels across Virginia, particularly in underserved areas.


“My role is to lead the pharmacy components of the grant as core faculty,” said Slattum, who also serves as director of the School of Pharmacy’s Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Program. The HRSA-funded project — the Virginia Geriatric Education Center’s Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program — is administered by VCU School of Allied Health Professions’ Virginia Center on Aging.

The VGEC is a consortium comprising VCU, University of Virginia and Eastern Virginia Medical School.

“This group has collaborated successfully on this kind of work for the past four years and now will continue for three more!” said Slattum. A previous $2.2 million grant addressed the aging state population in conjunction with a shortage of geriatrics-trained health professionals.

Edward Ansello, director of the VCoA, is principal investigator for the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program.  Click here to read more about the HRSA grant that will fund VGEC’s Geriatrics Workforce Program for the next three years; click here to learn more about the SOP’s Slattum.

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