VCU School of Nursing News Archive

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Category results for: Community Engagement

VCU School of Nursing faculty and students conduct back to school physical exams

VCU School of Nursing faculty and students, along with two senior undergraduate Pioneer students, recently worked with the Richmond City Health District’s Back to School Day.  The team provided 138 school entrance physical exams to Richmond area children so that they would be able to start school on time.  RCHD staff provided required immunizations. Faculty […]

School of Nursing Staff Assembly volunteers at the Church Hill House

Several members of VCU School of Nursing’s Staff Assembly recently volunteered during a luncheon for residents at the Church Hill House, one of the school’s Richmond Health and Wellness program partners. Volunteers included Demmie Pennix, human resources administrator; LaToya Blizzard, faculty affairs coordinator; Delores Armstrong, finance and human resources director; Erica Edler, clinical placement coordinator; […]

VCU School of Nursing students help provide care at a free remote mobile clinic

A group of 10 VCU School of Nursing students and three faculty members recently participated in the Remote Area Medical Clinic in Harrisonburg, Virginia. RAM is a free mobile clinic that provides medical, dental and vision care to uninsured and impoverished patients. Harrisonburg is surrounded by rural counties with reduced access to care, particularly Page […]

VCU nursing students attend postpartum facilitator training

Several VCU School of Nursing students recently attended the Postpartum Support Virginia facilitator training in Woodbridge, Virginia. Postpartum Support Virginia is a program that supports new and expectant mothers and their families in overcoming anxiety and depression. During Fall 2018, the students provided childcare at CHoR during meetings attended by the mothers. Through VCU Health System’s “Getting Better Together” program, […]

Nursing Students Without Borders at VCU provides health outreach in Guatemala

Several members of Nursing Students Without Borders at VCU recently returned from an annual community service trip to the Highlands Region of Guatemala, where they provided health outreach to villagers. Led by Tammy Williams, Ph.D., M.S., RN, and Juliane Milburn, Ph.D., RN, both clinical assistant professors, the students built three brick clean cookstoves for families […]

Mary Kay Goldschmidt named to national advisory panel for health security preparedness

Mary Kay Goldschmidt, DNP, RN, APHN-BC, clinical assistant professor at the VCU School of Nursing, has been named to the National Advisory Panel for the National Health Security Preparedness Index (NHSPI), a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation managed program designed to assess  preparedness for managing health emergencies. The NHSPI creates composite scores for measuring national and […]

School of Nursing to host blood donation and bone marrow registry drive Sept. 10

In giving back to the community as part of its 125th anniversary activities, the VCU School of Nursing is hosting a blood donation and bone marrow registry drive on Monday, Sept. 10 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Student Lounge. Help us save lives by donating blood and/or signing up for the bone […]

Nursing students volunteer at free medical clinic in Emporia

Several VCU School of Nursing seniors and a faculty member were among a VCU group that volunteered recently at a two-day Remote Area Medical (RAM) outreach event held in Emporia, Virginia. RAM is an organization that helps coordinate free health care events throughout the country, providing patients with the option to be seen by multiple […]

Richmond Health and Wellness Program receives VCU’s top community partnerships award

The Richmond Health and Wellness Program, led by Pam Parsons, GNP-BC, FNAP (M.S.’83/N; Ph.D. ’04/N), director of practice and community engagement at the VCU School of Nursing, received the top award recently at VCU’s annual celebration of community partnerships. The program received the Council for Community Engagement’s Currents of Change Award. RHWP also received the honor for […]

Nursing Students Without Borders provides health outreach to Guatemalan villagers

Nursing Students Without Borders (NSWB) at VCU recently returned from an annual community service trip to the Highlands Region of Guatemala, where members provided health outreach to villagers. Led by Mary Falk, M.S.N, RN, CCRN, PCCN, CNL, clinical instructor and NSWB faculty adviser, the students who attended include Paige Greene, Alicia Wickert, Kelly Hines, Kaitlyn Patterson, […]

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