Two faculty named NIRA scholars

Jane Chung, Ph.D., and Amy Salisbury, Ph.D., named as inaugural NIRA recipients
Two VCU School of Nursing faculty, Jane Chung, Ph.D., and Amy Salisbury, Ph.D., have been named National/International Recognition Award (NIRA) scholars. The new annual award honors VCU faculty members who have been nationally or internationally recognized for exceptional accomplishments.
Jane Chung, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the department of family and community health nursing and researches the use of novel sensors and other emerging technologies to promote healthy aging in older adults. Chung was also recently awarded the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators in May 2023.
Amy Salisbury, Ph.D., is the associate dean for research, scholarship and innovation for the school and conducts extensive research on bio-behavioral development from before birth through early childhood. Under her leadership, the school’s research portfolio has expanded and garnered record grant funding placing it among the top nursing schools funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) according to the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research (BRIMR), an independent organization that reports and ranks NIH funding.
VCU President Michael Rao, Ph.D., said the NIRA recipients “represent the best of the best, personifying the uncommon excellence across VCU.”
“The NIRA is an important new way for VCU to show appreciation to professors who demonstrate excellence in their academic discipline, elevating not only their own profile but that of the entire university,” Rao said.
The NIRA aligns with VCU’s Quest 2028 strategic plan goal to “retain and attract a diverse community of highly qualified faculty and staff that reflects a culture where everyone matters and belongs, and ensure the culture supports career satisfaction and growth.” Fotis Sotiropoulos, Ph.D., provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, created the NIRA in partnership with Marlon Levy, M.D., interim senior vice president for VCU Health Sciences.
“VCU has amazing faculty excelling in teaching, research and service,” Sotiropoulos said. “Many of our faculty go far beyond every year with scholarship, research, artistic creation that distinguish them nationally and internationally. The NIRA seeks to recognize their excellence, placing a spotlight on their achievements which inspires and motivates us in what we do for our students and our entire community. I am immensely proud to call these NIRA honorees my colleagues at VCU.”
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