VCU School of Nursing News Archive

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Accelerated B.S. students recently celebrated 100 days until graduation with an alumni panel event. Students shared lunch with members of last year’s Accelerated B.S. graduating class, including Christine De Kanter, RN, VCU Health; Carly Gallagher, RN, VCU Health; Abbie Smith, RN, Johnston Willis Hospital; current NP student Vicki Tedeschi, RN, CPN, VCU Health; and current DNP student Tamara Broadnax, M.S.N., RN, NEA-BC, director of Telemedicine at VCU Health. Students asked questions about the NCLEX, interviewing for jobs and other topics facing soon-to-be nursing graduates.


Accelerated students at the alumni panel

Categories Alumni and Friends, Education, Students
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