Sadie Heath Cabaniss Society Dinner Recognizes Donors
The VCU School of Nursing held its annual Sadie Heath Cabaniss Society Dinner Nov. 4 at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts to recognize distinguished donors and share the impact of their contributions. First-time donors were recognized for making gifts to the school totaling $1,000 or more in a fiscal year. The donors were each presented with a Cabaniss Cup, a miniature pewter loving cup modeled after one given to VCU Nursing founder Sadie Heath Cabaniss by the class of 1901. First-time distinguished donors who were present include Jean Giddens, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, and husband Jay Corazza; Deborah McGuire, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, and husband William McGuire; Joyce Grimes; James Jenkins, RN (B.S. ’07/N); Thomas Johnson and wife Karen Johnson; Carolyn McCrocklin (B.S. ’82/N; Ph.D. ’09/N) and husband Bob McCrocklin; and Ellen M. Lucas (B.S. ’71/N) and husband Kenneth W. Lucas, Jr. Click here to visit SON’s Facebook page to view the photo album.
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