Nursing in Indonesia
One of the best parts about nursing is that no matter where you are it is always a valuable skill to the community. VCU nursing student Molly Wacek is currently in Indonesia sharing her skills with the local population along the Musi River. The Klinik Terapung Musi, or “Floating Clinic on the Musi,” travels up and down the river servicing 11 villages and seeing about 100 to 120 patients a day. With many non-life threatening injuries related to work and lifestyle, as well as the occasional more serious emergency, Wacek’s work is important because the nearest on-shore clinic is often hours and an expensive boat ride away. Wacek advocates more than short-term service. Rather than fostering dependence on outside assistance, she works together with local leaders to empower the population so that they may take an active role in changing health care for the better in their community.
We couldn’t have said it better, Molly, you are an inspiration to us all!