UROP Fellowships Announced
Announcing funded fellowship opportunities for undergraduates interested in conducting research during the summer of 2016! Below you will find a brief description for each fellowship opportunity with a link to the full description. Full fellowship descriptions are also attached. Deadline for proposals is March 1st, 2016.
Global Education Undergraduate Research Fellowships
The Global Education Office (GEO) will fund three unique undergraduate fellowship awards for research projects, mentored by VCU faculty. Research proposals should show evidence of significant engagement with a culture originating from outside of the US that is different from the applicant’s native culture. Successful proposals should exhibit how the project will increase the student researcher’s knowledge, skills and experience to demonstrate successfully functioning across a variety of borders, such as national, linguistic, cultural, religious, and/or others. Each fellowship award includes $1500 in funding for the student and $500 for the faculty mentor. For details and to apply visit: http://research.vcu.edu/ugresources/geo_fellowship.htm Email questions to Herb Hill at [email protected]
Undergraduate Fellowships for Clinical and Translational Research
The VCU Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR) will fund one undergraduate research fellowship award for a clinical translational research project focused on human health and mentored by a VCU faculty member. A clinical translational research project is one that aims to translate scientific discoveries into improved human health and wellness. Successful proposals must discuss how the project will increase the student researcher’s knowledge, skills and experience while simultaneously attempting to advance human health through clinical research. Each fellowship award includes $1500 in funding for the student and $500 for the faculty mentor. For details and to apply visit: http://research.vcu.edu/ugresources/cctr_urop_fellowship.htm Email questions to Herb Hill at [email protected]
Undergraduate Fellowships for Community Engaged and Translational Research
The Division of Community Engagement (DCE) and the Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR) will fund three undergraduate community-engaged research fellowship awards for research projects mentored by VCU faculty and carried out in collaboration with a community partner. Proposals for this fellowship should include a community-engaged research project that creates and disseminates knowledge or creative expression with the goal of contributing to the discipline and strengthening the well-being of the community. At least one of these fellowships will be awarded to a project that focuses on the advancement of human health. Each fellowship award includes $1500 in funding for the student and $500 for the faculty mentor. For details and to apply visit: http://research.vcu.edu/ugresources/ce_cctr_fellowship.htm Email questions to [email protected]
Undergraduate Research Fellowship for Inclusive Excellence
The VCU Division for Inclusive Excellence will fund two undergraduate research fellowship awards for faculty-mentored research projects focused on “diversity” as it relates to ideas, cultures, backgrounds and experiences. Successful proposals must discuss how the project will increase the student researcher’s knowledge, skills and experience related to the social, economic, political and historical significance of particular differences. This project may investigate diversity through the lens of gender, race/ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, disabilities and/or international issues. Each fellowship award includes $1500 in funding for the student and $500 for the faculty mentor. For details and to apply visit: http://research.vcu.edu/ugresources/ie_fellowship.htm Email questions to [email protected]
VCU Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Summer Fellowships (UROP)
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) will fund a limited number of undergraduate student fellowship awards for projects mentored by VCU faculty. Successful student applicants will receive a cash stipend of $1,500 and $500 for the faculty mentor. Applicants must submit an online application no later than March 1st, 2014 for review. For details and to apply visit: http://research.vcu.edu/ugresources/fellowship-instructions.htm Email questions to Herb Hill at [email protected]
Categories NSO University Partners, VCU Campus Events