VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

The Office of Research Subjects Protection will be closed for Thanksgiving beginning at noon on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 and will reopen on Monday, November 27, 2017. 

Despite the closing, investigators remain responsible for reporting to the IRB any unanticipated problems involving risk to subjects or others that occur during this time.

In addition, as always, investigators are responsible for taking any actions necessary to ensure the ongoing safety of research participants.

To report an unanticipated problem involving risk to subjects or others, or to seek guidance regarding any emergency situation during the Thanksgiving holiday:

  • Call 804- 827-1533 and leave a message including a phone number where you can be reached.  Messages will be checked daily and your call will be returned.
  • For Unanticipated Problems, also submit a Report within RAMS-IRB.
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