
Welcome to the Rehabilitation Technology and Haptics Laboratory at Virginia Commonwealth University.

We are located at Engineering East, 401 West Main Street, Monroe Park Campus
Location: Rooms 1261, 1263 and 1266 

Our main focus is developing assistive technology for individuals who are blind or visually impaired, particularly providing more effective access to tactile graphics, print information, highly visual software environments  (particularly for STEM learning and practice), and the exploration of functional spaces (art museums, botanical gardens, etc.). Additional areas of focus are in basic haptic research, the development of hand prostheses, particularly control algorithms and tactile feedback for dexterous tasks; and situational awareness for emergency personnel. Projects involve hardware and/or software development, as well as user testing. 

Potential Openings. Undergraduates are always welcomed to join the lab (if you are interested in paid summer work, please contact Dr. Pawluk by February of the same year). Interested persons should contact Dr. Pawluk (dtpawluk@vcu.edu).

User Studies. We are also currently looking for participants who are blind or visually impaired for several studies on a project developing a tangible interface for the Scratch programming environment. To find out more, please contact: Dr. Pawluk (dtpawluk@vcu.edu). If you know of anyone who is blind or visually impaired who might be interested, please pass along our contact information.