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VCU da Vinci Center for Innovation student combines arts and research for artistic oral history project on Richmond locations.Combining documentary and animation, Kiara Brown inventively explores family history and Vietnamese medicineVCU da Vinci Center student combines arts and research for artistic oral history project on Richmond locations.

For someone who’s been on the dean’s list every semester since she came to the Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, Kiara Brown considers herself a late bloomer to the art world.

“I’ve always been interested in creating things, but I considered myself primarily a writer who didn’t do visual arts whatsoever,” she said. “When I was in high school, I began drawing in order to create illustrations for a children’s book I was writing and got interested in illustration and graphic design through that.”

Brown enrolled at George Mason University planning to study environmental science or graphic design, but she wanted to expand her artistic horizons by studying sound art. So she transferred to VCU in fall 2021, and she graduates this month with a degree in kinetic imaging from VCUarts and a certificate in product innovation from VCU’s da Vinci Center for Innovation.

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