DAR Details Blog

Official Development & Alumni Relations news blog

Tell us your path to VCU and why you were attracted to the university. What’s the most memorable thing that happened to you during your study-abroad year at Oxford?
Right out of college, I served as an AmeriCorps member in Chicago, working in urban public schools providing 1:1 tutoring and after school programming for first- to fifth-grade students. After taking a staff position and taking on a few different jobs within the service side of the house with that nonprofit, I was hired to start up a new branch for that AmeriCorps program in Orlando, Florida. I had spent most of that time in either volunteer or employee management and program development. So when I moved to Virginia for a family emergency, I found a position with the University of Mary Washington building their regional alumni engagement program. I was drawn to VCU because of its setting within a city and the unique culture that brings to the student community.

Oxford was a great experience, and I always encourage people to take a semester abroad if they can. It was a humbling experience to be the tourist and work to become part of a community anew. Some of the best times I had there were late at night visiting a food truck along High Street. We did have a great visit behind the scenes at Parliament with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s former private secretary. He was a wealth of knowledge and had a great sense of humor.

We see that you, a Wisconsin native, have brought your love of the Green Bay Packers with you to Richmond. Have you been a fan since childhood? Any other favorite sports teams?
I grew up a Packers fan, which, until recently, was really easy. I grew up loving Wisconsin sports. Most of our other sports teams were less than amazing growing up, but the Milwaukee Brewers and Milwaukee Bucks have been doing so much better. When it comes to college, it gets a bit dicier (Big Ten sports go beyond state lines).

How would you describe a perfect weekend?
A perfect weekend for me is a simple one. A nice relaxing weekend is one in which my wife and I spend most of the day outside with our daughter. We enjoy going to the park and just letting her have a great time.

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