DAR Details Blog

Official Development & Alumni Relations news blog

All employees who have access to DAR’s systems must take two online courses, two short quizzes and an online confidentiality agreement. Instructions on how to access the course and the documents are below.The deadline to complete this training is Feb. 15. After that, Advancement Services will evaluate the users who have not completed the training to confirm if systems access is still necessary.

For any questions, or if you no longer need access to DAR’s systems, please contact Blake MacIver (M.P.A.’07/GPA), assistant vice president of Advancement Services, or Leslee Gensinger, Advancement Services trainer.

  • Go to Blackboard.vcu.edu and log in using your VCU eID and password.
  • Click on the course labeled “Development and Alumni Relations RADAR Training.”
  • In the left menu, click on “Course Documents.”
  • Click on “Refresher Training: FY 18/19 Confidentiality Agreement, Policy, FERPA.”

Complete the list of items in order. To pass, you must receive 100 percent on all quizzes. You can take the quizzes as many times as necessary. The entire refresher should take 30 to 45 minutes.

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