DAR Details Blog

Official Development & Alumni Relations news blog

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Gloria Greiner-Callihan, DAR-ling of the week, 2-5-2018

Tell us about your journey from a law school career to the opera to VCU DAR. What a journey! I actually always wanted to be a physician. I was in the midst of applying to med school and had taken the MCAT, but was married to a physician who was somewhat older than I, who […]

Black & Gold Loyalty Society spring mailing

Annual giving’s Feb. 16 spring appeal will include a loyalty society pennant so our most loyal donors can display their VCU pride in time for the A-10 tournament. View the appeal on the intranet. The Black & Gold Loyalty Society recognizes alumni and their spouses who have made gifts of any amount to any area […]

Staff changes for Feb. 5, 2018

Web developer Ben Lansing left Advancement Services Jan. 26 to become a commercial artist and cartoonist for the King Features Syndicate cartoon “Shoe.” See you in the funny papers, Ben! Lauren Stewart (B.S.’10/MC; M.S.’11/MC) is leaving her role as assistant director for development, alumni relations and communications in the College of Humanities & Sciences on […]

Message from DAR Vice President Jay Davenport, CFRE

At this time of year, reflections of the previous year are typical. So, let’s reflect on how Team DAR and VCU performed in the first half of FY18. As all of you know, we closed 2017 at $572.2 million, well over 75 percent of our Make It Real Campaign for VCU goal. With 30 months […]

Ben Bromley, DAR-ling of the week, 1-29-2018

Tell us something we might be surprised to learn about you. I am a giant soccer fan and help run a website and podcast about D.C. United, Major League Soccer and the U.S. men’s and women’s national teams. I try to go up to D.C. for two or three soccer games a year and have […]

VCU wins honors in 2017-18 CASE awards

VCU received 12 awards in the 2017-18 District III CASE competition. Included among eight awards for DAR was a grand award for Advancement Services. The following awards will be presented at the CASE conference in Atlanta next month: Advancement Services: Grand Award, “Build a better dashboard!” Annual Reports: Grand Award, Yes – VCU Annual Report 2016 […]

Alumni grant funds distributed to 17 chapters

The VCU Alumni grant-funding program, piloted in fall 2017, is designed to encourage regional, academic and shared-interest groups to plan more activities to keep alumni engaged with the university. This past fall, VCU Alumni received nine funding applications from its 40 chapters. Outreach and engagement colleagues solicited feedback from chapters on how to improve the […]

ICA topic of February VAFRE meeting

“Crisis Communications or Stewardship Opportunity?” is the topic of the Feb. 6 VAFRE luncheon and meeting at Jefferson Lakeside Country Club. Registration is at 11:30 a.m., luncheon and program at noon and adjournment at 1 p.m. Register on the events page of the VAFRE website. When the Institute for Contemporary Art had to announce the […]

Chris Laney, DAR-ling of the week

Your costuming is legendary in central DAR, particularly the spot-on Pennywise this past Halloween. How far back does this go? My costuming goes back many years, but really flourished when I started here at VCU. My first year I was The Joker, and pictures of it still exist. I would like to add that all […]

New year brings staff changes

  Maggie Brown and Chris Laney, part-time data integrity technicians in Advancement Services, have transitioned to full time. Terry Clark, senior executive assistant to vice president Jay Davenport, CFRE, is leaving DAR to become executive assistant to the president of Union Bank & Trust effective Feb. 1. Terry joined DAR as senior executive assistant to […]

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