VCU students and alums deliver the entrepreneurial pitch at Demo Day
At Demo Day, entrepreneurs pitch their product and service ideas to six judges, who evaluate the concepts and the creators’ presentations for business viability and clarity and then select winners.
Class of 2023: How a date that ended badly led Jack Oppenheim to a business venture and, ultimately, VCU’s da Vinci Center
Master of Product Innovation student is taking Tow Ninja to new markets.
Prototyping the future of higher education: Shift Retail Lab accepts Fast Company Innovation by Design Award
Shift co-founders Garret Westlake and Lloyd Young attended the September awards ceremony in New York City where the Lab was recognized for educating the next generation of entrepreneurs out of the classroom.
The next generation of entrepreneurs won’t be stuck in the classroom
The Shift Retail Lab is named the winner of the learning category in Fast Company's 2023 Innovation By Design Awards.
Demo Day 2023 spotlights entrepreneurial spirit among VCU students and alums
With support from Capital One, the da Vinci Center for Innovation delivers the platform for the pitch.
Class of 2023: Frustrated on the traditional college path, Kian Thornton pivoted in a direction all his own
VCU interdisciplinary studies major found inspiration in the da Vinci Center for Innovation and an internship experience.
VCU da Vinci Center brings LEGO Serious Play to VCU
The method, which features a specially formulated set of LEGO bricks, promotes creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking.
On your mark: Entrepreneurship centers help student startups get running
Julien Reininger launched his vegan jerky business, Jacked! Jackfruit Jerky, as a college student with the help of Virginia Commonwealth University’s da Vinci Center for Innovation and its pre-accelerator program.
Shift Magazine celebrates failure and its importance to successful entrepreneurs
Students in da Vinci Center cross-disciplinary course produce inaugural issue of magazine associated with VCU’s Shift Retail Lab.
Shift Retail Lab launches magazine
The Shift Magazine Launch Party will be held on Thursday, Dec. 8, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Shift Retail Lab, 1235 W. Broad St.