School of Business

VCU Blogs

Each year the VCU School of Business departments recognize the outstanding achievements of select students. See below the 2019-2020 Department of Accounting award winners.


Student of the Year
Derek Hetrick
*Pictured above*

Derek Hetrick has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in scholarship and leadership. He will be graduating with a 3.875 accounting GPA. In addition to his academic achievement, he also was selected for and completed three internships. While at VCU, he served one year as President of the VCU National Association of Black Accountants and one year as secretary. After graduation, Derek will pursue his Masters in Accounting with Data Analytics and then begin to work as an auditor for KPMG, a Big Four public accounting firm.

Distinguished Service Award
Justin Nedwick

Justin Nedwick has provided distinguished service to the department, university, and community. Justin served as President of Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting honor society, for the 2019-20 school year. He helped lead Beta Alpha Psi’s efforts to host an all-day leadership summit, a speaker series, the annual Meet the Firms for recruiters, and other networking opportunities. Justin has also led BAP community volunteer efforts with Feedmore and VITA. He will pursue his CPA once he completes his Certificate of Accounting.

Ann G. and Barney Roland Freasier, Sr. Tax Award
Hung N. Loung

This award is presented annually to an outstanding graduating senior who has taken at least six hours of taxation courses at VCU and has demonstrated the most promise in the field of taxation. Hung earned top grades in both Tax Accounting and Advanced Tax Accounting. After graduating, Hung will pursue his CPA and will work with Tax in a public accounting firm.


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