Blackbird Founders Archive | Progress Log

announcements to start; reports of material changes to follow

Realized that Facebook links from index pages v9 forward needed to be corrected. Backtracked from v11 where I started on Thursday May 30.

Found glitches in search and replace paths from K’s earlier efforts that I mended.

Realized that the search field on the out-of-issue search/index page had not been updated to the archive. Fixed, published, and checked.


Updates finished in v13 but not published because of server lockout. (Thursday May 30).

Friday May 31 update:

V13n1 and 2 published.

Large media files here and forward mean that I need to remember NOT to republish the media when I republish pages as it takes significantly longer to do the transfer of an issue, and I can’t work on the next until the transfer is finished.

Finished today through v17.

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