3 cut out drawings of a shark, doll, and clown

My second grade students had a huge feat ahead of them, and time only seemed to go faster!

During our first class we discussed the topic of comfort, and I asked each student to share what brings them comfort, and to try and explain why?  Every student had the opportunity to share about their favorite bear or their toy dinosaur or their dog.  Every explanation of comfort brought a dimple to their cheek and taught them the overall big ideas of the unit: Comfort and Compassion.

My school had a higher percentage of students who fall below the poverty line, so I wanted their projects to also be able to serve as a source of comfort outside of school.  The students each drew some sort of creature that they would like to hug for comfort on a piece of paper (we learned, for time’s sake, to use smaller paper).

cutout drawings of a monster and cat

The students then chose two pieces of fabric (which I cut out from scraps and samples provided by my AMAZING CT) that they would be transferring their creature onto.  Some students ran into some difficulty holding their paper AND fabric AND drawing so I offered a little *help* on my own time (though with more class periods I’m confident we could’ve done it!)

I taught the students how to do a simplified blanket stitch, which they used to sew their projects.  While they had some time to practice, I wanted them to be able to finish.  This all brought me to one conclusion:


assorted stuffed animals

Their finished projects turned out really awesome and adorable, and the students seemed super happy to have a new stuffed animal to take home with them.

Categories Fall 2019, Student Teacher Blog