abstract dark blue print on green paper

In this unit, students experimented with found materials through the printmaking technique of collagraphs. We learned that choice of material, composition, and texture are key to making an effective print. On the first day students worked in partners and practiced printing 4 example collagraph plates. Below is an image of the table rotations. 

table with work stations and directional arrows

Next, it was time for students to make their own collagraph plate using materials that we might consider discarded objects. Students were able to choose if their plate was representational or abstract.

materials including felt, toothpicks, cardboard

Below is an example of one student’s progress throughout the unit:

fish on cardboard made from felt, yarn, coffee filters

blue print of fish on white paper with details about print

Additional student examples:

abstract green print with "dad" and "mom" visible abstract green print abstract green print on yellow paper

Categories Fall 2019, Student Teacher Blog