Ms. Agnew did a big Stained Glass unit with her Crafts 2 classes last school year. They all created patterns and cut and ground the glass pieces to fit the pattern, then soldered them into stained glass pictures. This project created A LOT of glass scraps. She had 6 bins of scrap glass in her glass cabinet!

I wanted to do a stained glass project with Crafts 3, and decided to do something with all of the scrap pieces instead of having students cut up new glass. Since these students all did 2D stained glass last year, I thought a 3d glass sculpture could be interesting.

I pulled out all of the scrap bins and let the students create these magnificent 3D stained glass sculptures out of the scraps left over from last year. It was a great way to use up old materials, and the learning process was AMAZING!

Categories Spring 2018, Student Teacher Blog