Web Services

Application Services | Technology Services

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In an effort to address performance and user related issues Web Services will be altering the user registration model for wiki.vcu.edu (Change Management Request #9000636). Beginning August 9th, 2016, new users who require access to wiki.vcu.edu will need to submit a Service Desk ticket (servicedesk.vcu.edu) to the Wiki category with the following details:

  • For individuals, we will need their full name and eID.

Classes utilizing the wiki application may request their entire class be imported in together, but must provide the following details:

  • For classes we will need the program abbreviation, course number, course title, section number, semester and year.

After receiving these details, Web Services will import the user(s) into the Wiki application where space admins can then assign them the specific permissions within their space as normal. An expected turnaround time for users to be imported into the wiki is two business days.

Users or groups who already use wiki.vcu.edu should not be affected in this transition. Additionally, no data or content will be moved or removed in this change.

Questions related to this change should be directed towards [email protected].

Update: To complete the maintenance, a planned restart is necessary and has been scheduled for August 9th, 2016 at 6 p.m. Please have your data saved prior to this action.

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