Division of Student Affairs Updates

News and information beyond the classroom

At Virginia Commonwealth University we want our students to have the best educational experience possible, and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) helps by providing vital information about activities in and out of the classroom. Your participation is critical, so we hope you will complete NSSEā€”an opportunity only available to first-year and senior students.

First-year and graduating can take the NSSE by May 14 for a chance to win Barnes & Noble gift cards and AirPods! Check your VCU email for a unique link.

For help with logging into the survey or to find answers to a variety of other questions, please go to: https://nssesurvey.org/contact/. More information about NSSE is at nsse.indiana.edu. If you have other questions, please contact Connie Peyton in VCU IRDS at [email protected].

Thank you in advance for taking a few moments to reflect on your experiences and help us strengthen VCU!

Categories Fall 2022 - Spring 2023