Division of Student Affairs Updates

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Student Government Association Vice President of Graduate and Professional Students Keith Zirkle says that the best advice he’s ever received is “climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world” — and climbing mountains is just what Zirkle does for SGA.

As the primary liaison for graduate and professional students to the VCU administration, Zirkle leads senate meetings for graduate and professional students and attends various meetings for SGA throughout the week.

Keith Zirkle

“It’s a balance of being reactive and proactive to student concerns,” Zirkle said. “This is typically through SGA channels, but I tend to think holistically/big picture when speaking on behalf of grad/professional students.”

This year, the MCV campus SGA and Monroe Park SGA underwent a merger into one united SGA.

“SGA has gone through a lot of branding this fall as this is the first year of the merged SGA,” Zirkle said. “I was heavily involved with the creation of a merged SGA, so it’s been great to see the student body represented as a whole and not as a campus.”

In the future, Zirkle hopes that the SGA continues to represent and advocate for students even after he graduates.

Categories Fall 2017 - Spring 2018