Division of Student Affairs Updates

News and information beyond the classroom

Junior Resident Assistant Eleanor Ritzman starts her day by checking emails from her residents and supervisors.

Then, Ritzman checks her calendar for activities other than her classes, like a program or a staff meeting. On some days, Ritzman is on duty after housing hours, which means she’s on call for any resident who needs to get in touch with someone.

Eleanor Ritzman

Since July of 2016, Ritzman has been an RA for VCU. Currently an RA in Brandt Hall, Ritzman’s job is to enforce policy while creating an open and inclusive community for on-campus residents.

“We create a variety of programs and events for students to attend,” Ritzman said. “By providing them with programs, resources, clubs and reassurance, we as RA’s can be the backbone of any troubling situation around VCU housing.”

Ritzman also says that her greatest inspirations are the RA’s of her freshman year in GRC and that the best part of being an RA is building the close relationships with residents.

“As RA’s, we try our best to ensure that our residents are happy and comfortable in their home away from home,” Ritzman said.

Categories Fall 2017 - Spring 2018