Division of Student Affairs Updates

News and information beyond the classroom

Category results for: Fall 2017 – Spring 2018

New Testing Center and Offices ‘Day and Night’ for SAEO

Student-focused work stations, a series of study spaces and a reduced-distraction testing center are just a few major differences in the Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity office. During winter break, the SAEO office moved from a smaller office on the main level of the University Student Commons to a suite in the basement. “The only similarity is […]

Introducing New Leadership

Joslyn Bedell, Interim Special Assistant to the Senior Vice Provost  Education: BA in Latin, University of Georgia; M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration, University of Vermont  Background: Student Activities Coordinator, University of Georgia; Service-Learning Coordinator, Georgia Perimeter College; Assistant & Associate Director, Office of Alumni & Career Services, University of Richmond What would you like to accomplish in […]

The Man Behind the Mascot: Meet Rodney the Ram

When Theo Malamatos stepped onto Virginia Commonwealth University’s campus as a freshman in the fall of 2014, he had hopes to pursue a degree in psychology. Fast forward four years later and Malamatos, a senior psychology major and religious studies minor, is a May 2018 VCU graduate. But before he donned a cap and gown, […]

Bringing Students Together

As Student Government Association president, Destinee’ Moragne is responsible for setting an agenda for SGA and making sure the SGA is accomplishing the goals set forth — something that involves a lot of time. “The robust amount of meetings can be tough on my schedule, but they are rewarding because they allow for an easier […]

Merging to One

Student Government Association Vice President of Graduate and Professional Students Keith Zirkle says that the best advice he’s ever received is “climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world” — and climbing mountains is just what Zirkle does for SGA. As the primary liaison for graduate and […]

Building a Bridge

As a nontraditional student, Sarah Izabel’s days are never the same. Izabel, a wife and mother, serves as the undergraduate representative to the Board of Visitors on top of taking her son to and from school, taking classes, studying and managing household responsibilities. In her duties as the undergraduate BOV student representative, Izabel is required […]

Creating Close Relationships

Junior Resident Assistant Eleanor Ritzman starts her day by checking emails from her residents and supervisors. Then, Ritzman checks her calendar for activities other than her classes, like a program or a staff meeting. On some days, Ritzman is on duty after housing hours, which means she’s on call for any resident who needs to […]

Complete the Title IX Not Anymore Training

The training is required to be completed one time. To access the training, visit: https://studentsuccess.org/SSO/vcuna and log in with your VCU eID and password. Resources on Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination File a report online by using the Sexual misconduct/violence and sex/gender discrimination incident reporting form. You can also email [email protected] or Laura Walsh Rugless, Title IX Coordinator, (804) 828-6404 or [email protected] or Tammi […]

Welcome Back Spring 2018

Student Representatives to the VCU Board of Visitors for 2018-19Applications will be accepted through Friday, Feb. 16 from students interested in serving as a student representative to the VCU Board of Visitors during the 2018-19 academic year. Information about eligibility and the application process can be found online. Scholarship Money for 2018-2019$265,000 of scholarship awards are […]

Monroe Park Closure

Faculty-and-Staff.txt Historic Monroe Park will be closed to the public beginning Monday, November 14, 2016 and reopen in late 2017, or early 2018. During this period, sidewalks bordering the park will be closed along Laurel, Franklin and Belvidere. Please use the sidewalks across these streets from the park. The Campus Connector will cease service to […]

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