Division of Student Affairs Updates

News and information beyond the classroom

Creating a positive environment for learning is essential to the VCU community. Alcohol and other drugs can interfere with academic success and campus safety. At VCU, we proactively address these issues in both our well-being programs and our policy enforcement.

The VCU Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy provides information about protecting your health, sustaining safety and promoting the general well-being of the VCU community. All VCU students are asked to take a moment to read the VCU Alcohol and Other Drug Policy in the online VCU Policy Library.

The policy outlines the following:

  • VCU standards of conduct surrounding alcohol and other drugs.
  • University and community resources.
  • The health effects of alcohol and other drugs.
  • Federal and state laws pertaining to alcohol and other drugs.
  • Medical amnesty for students seeking medical assistance for themselves or others. 

In addition, please be aware that VCU’s RecWell provides a variety of alcohol and other drug prevention education and online resources. This includes a free, brief online self-assessment that provides personalized feedback and information on how relationships with alcohol and other drugs relates to goals and choices.

VCU’s Rams in Recovery is an active community that supports students and staff in recovery and celebrates all that life in college can be without alcohol and other drugs. Email [email protected] for more information.

Best wishes for a safe and productive academic year.


Division of Student Affairs
Virginia Commonwealth University
[email protected]

Categories Fall 2024 - Spring 2025