Promotional graphic for Accessibility Standards for 2026 Courses

Dear Colleagues:

We reach out to you today to seek your partnership in our continued efforts to make VCU a more welcoming and inclusive institution for individuals with disabilities.

This focus has long been a VCU value. In fact, it appears several times throughout the university’s strategic plan, Quest 2028:

  • Goal DDE 3: Promote, develop and scale curricular initiatives related to inclusive pedagogy and experiential learning;
  • Goal SS 1: Deliver high-quality educational opportunities and services that are responsive to the needs of learners (i.e., traditional, nontraditional and lifelong learners) and are attractive and accessible to communities across Virginia and beyond; and
  • Goal TC 1: Collaborate to build an adaptive infrastructure that meets the evolving needs of VCU and communities.

As we carry forward those efforts in the spring 2025 semester, we want to make you aware of new federal accessibility requirements for digital course materials. And, we want to offer resources and training that will prepare you to meet the April compliance deadline.

In April 2024, the Department of Justice issued rule § 35.205 on “Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities.” The rule requires provisions “for making accessible the services, programs, and activities offered by State and local government entities to the public through the web and mobile applications.” More specifically, the rule mandates “ease of use” of web material by people with disabilities, with “ease of use” defined as use with “timeliness, privacy, and independence.” The standard of accessibility is prescribed as W3C’s WCAG 2.1 AA. The rule went into effect June 24, 2024, and entities serving populations of over 50,000 people have until April 24, 2026, to comply. VCU falls under this timeline as an institution serving the State of Virginia.

This requirement applies to all digital content provided to students, including—but not limited to— downloadable documents (such as PDFs), multimedia resources (videos, podcasts, etc.), and any digital materials shared through email, Canvas, course websites, third-party tools, or other platforms. Including:

  • Ensuring all video and audio media have text equivalents (accurate captions for videos and transcripts for audio).
  • Ensuring all text material is machine readable by adaptive screen-reader technology (including PDFs and math formulas).
  • Ensuring all text material has sufficient color contrast with its background. 
  • Checking that all URL links are active and descriptive.
  • Creating courses in which navigation is cognitively clear.

In the coming weeks and months, Academic Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Technology Services, Equity and Access Services, Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity, and the Division of Academic Success (Health Sciences) will be collaborating to:

  • Provide training and tutorial resources in WCAG 2.1 AA digital accessibility.
  • Offer campus-wide tools allowing for accessibility checks of digital materials.
  • Create and offer templates, guidelines, and policies that support faculty in creating accessible course sites.

Like you, we are committed to ensuring accessible and inclusive learning environments at VCU. 

In addition to our expertise and knowledge of best practices, we closely monitor the evolving regulatory landscape in teaching with technology, addressing requirements proactively to empower faculty to deliver their best work. By doing so, we support the needs of our growing and diverse student population, expanding access to the expertise of VCU’s faculty and programs.

In closing, please know how much we appreciate all that you do to ensure that VCU offerings live up to the promises that we make as an institution to the people we serve and comply with government regulations.


Andrew Arroyo
Senior vice provost for academic affairs and interim dean of University College

Alex Henson
Chief Information Officer

Alison Jones
Associate Vice President for Academic Operations and Strategy

Cleopatra Magwaro
AVP, Equity and Access Services

Mangala Subramaniam
Senior vice provost for faculty affairs

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