Category results for: patient simulation
Alumna Deborah Raines discusses her NICU research with BYU Radio
Alumna Deborah Raines, Ed.S., RN, ANEF (Ph.D.’92/N), was recently interviewed on Brigham Young University (BYU) Radio’s” Top of the Mind with Julie Rose” program. Raines discussed her research on using simulation with parents preparing to bring a baby home from the NICU. Her research was originally published in The American Journal of Maternal-Child Nursing in […]
Preschoolers Visit the Clinical Learning Center for Hands-on Simulation Demonstration
It’s never too early to learn about nursing. A preschool class from Weinstein JCC visited the Clinical Learning Center at the VCU School of Nursing today to get a hands-on demonstration of simulated patient care. Dina Schnurman, M.S.N., M.B.A., RN, , CPN, CPON, a pediatric nurse educator, led a demonstration on a pediatric patient simulator, showing […]