VCU School of Nursing News Archive

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Category results for: doula

School of Nursing students participate in doula training

Nineteen SON students and three medical assistants from the Nelson Clinic recently attended doula training led by Susan Lindner, M.S.N., RNC-OB, clinical assistant professor. As part of the school’s community engagement efforts, the doulas currently provide care for mothers at VCU Health and the Richmond City Health Department. Future plans include volunteering at the American College of Nurse Midwives Conference, […]

Students complete doula training

Recently several students participated in a two-day course for nursing students who have the desire to be a doula. The students learned communication techniques related to interviewing mothers who are interested in having a doula. They also learned how to communicate when providing birth and postpartum care, as well as how to position a mother during labor and […]