VCU School of Nursing News Archive

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Shelly Smith inducted into the National Academies of Practice

Shelly Smith, DNP, APRN-BC, FNAP (M.S.’01/N), associate professor and director of the DNP program at the VCU School of Nursing, has been elected as a Distinguished Practitioner and Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP).  The National Academies of Practice welcomed Class of 2021 fellows as part of a virtual awards and induction ceremony […]

The passing of beloved Faculty Emerita Betsy Bampton

The VCU School of Nursing is sad to share news of the passing of Betsy Bampton, Ed.D. (B.S.’60/N; Cert.’80/N), an associate professor emerita, alumna and dedicated supporter of our school. Betsy served as a faculty member at our school for 50 years before retiring in 2015. A mentor to many undergraduate students, she was instrumental […]

Registration is open for Reunion Weekend

VCU School of Nursing classes ending in ‘1 or ‘6, grand alumni and St. Philip alumnae are invited to join a virtual celebration of Reunion Weekend, April 16-18!  Registration is now open! Though this year will look a little different than past years, you can expect fun and engaging virtual events to reconnect with the […]

Michael Bleich shares Langston Center update

Michael Bleich, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, senior professor and director of the Langston Center for Innovation in Quality and Safety, recently shared an update on how the center is positioning itself as a premier resource of health care innovation and collaboration. The virtual presentation is available on the VCU School of Nursing YouTube channel.

Jo Robins appointed to national holistic nursing research committee

Jo Robins, Ph.D., RN, ANP-BC, AHN-C, FAANP (M.S.‘91/N, Ph.D.‘99/N), associate professor at the VCU School of Nursing, has been appointed to the American Association of Holistic Nursing Research Committee for a two-year term. The committee promotes awareness of the importance of research for practice and the advancement of holistic nursing as a specialty. Robins is […]