VCU School of Nursing News Archive

Visit for news features published after November 2023

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Please join VCU School of Nursing faculty members Patricia Kinser, Ph.D. (B.S.’03/N; M.S.’04/N; Cert.’04/N), and Lathika Mohanraj (Ph.D.’08/M; B.S.’14/N), for an online discussion of “Clinical research during COVID” on Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2-3 p.m. Kinser is studying how the health crisis has affected pregnant women and new mothers and Mohanraj is researching how it has affected stem-cell transplantation patients. They will share findings thus far and their experiences conducting clinical research in the midst of a pandemic.

Register here to receive a link via Zoom.

For more information, contact Sydney Taylor, development specialist, at [email protected]

photo of two faculty members with event info
Categories Alumni and Friends, Events, Research
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