Moments of Pride: Andrew Harris (B.S.’16/N)
In another Moments of Pride post celebrating our nursing alumni, VCU School of Nursing is sharing perspective from Andrew Harris (B.S.‘16/N), a clinical nurse III in the General Rehabilitation department at VCU Health.

Q. What do you enjoy most about being a nurse?
A. My favorite part of being a nurse is getting to know all kinds of fascinating people from so many different walks of life, and figuring out ways to meet them “where they are.”
Q. How has your VCU School of Nursing education prepared you for your work as a nurse, particularly in situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic?
A. My VCU School of Nursing education has given me the technical knowledge to understand infectious disease processes and protect others and myself against them.
Q. What words of encouragement or advice would you offer to current and future nurses?
A. Definitely get CNA or EMS experience to get used to life in a health care environment. For your first unit, choose carefully and try to find one that works with your personality, strengths, and weaknesses, not against them.