VCU School of Nursing partners with UnitedHealthcare to provide free weekly meals to local seniors
VCU School of Nursing has partnered with UnitedHealthcare to help reduce hunger and social isolation among seniors. On Oct. 27, the nation’s largest health insurer awarded a $25,000 grant to the School of Nursing to fund free weekly student-catered meals at three senior apartment communities.
The donation was presented at Dominion Place, one of the senior communities that participates in VCU’s community-based care coordination initiative, the Richmond Health and Wellness Program. After the announcement, meals were prepared and served to residents by VCU students, faculty and staff, along with UnitedHealthcare employees.
In addition to funding weekly meals, cooking demonstrations and education programs, the grant will help VCU students identify seniors who may be eligible to enroll in a Meals on Wheels program or to participate in FeedMore’s Commodities Supplemental Food Program. Read more.
Dr. Pamela Parsons with UnitedHealthcare representatives Timothy Spiker and Kenneth Smith
SON student Lauren Bailey (graduating Dec. 2016)
SON student Natalie Gomez (graduating Dec. 2016)
SON student Catherine Beyer (graduating Dec. 2016)
SON student Lacy Jennings (graduating Dec. 2016)
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Categories Community Engagement, Students