VCU School of Nursing News Archive

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Several VCU School of Nursing students, alumni and a faculty member were among a VCU group that volunteered recently at the nation’s largest free medical outreach event held in Wise, Va. The RAM clinic (Remote Area Medical) provides free medical care to more than 2,000 medically underserved individuals from Southwest Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee.  This year volunteers provided close to an estimated $1.2 million in free medical and dental services.

Led by Mary Kay Goldschmidt, DNP, RN, APHN-BC, clinical assistant professor at the School of Nursing, the nursing students were paired with alumni who served as preceptors. VCU School of Pharmacy students and Evan Sisson, Pharm.D., associate professor at the School of Pharmacy, also joined them.

Nursing students who participated include Megan Wicks, Laura Ashworth, Callie Furlong, Andrew Harris, Ruth Likens, Taylor Kiskamp, Lindsey Edwards and Heather Fowler.  Alumni volunteers were Ally Bess, RN (B.S.’16/N), Patricia Ahn, RN (B.S.’15/N), Amy Tsao, RN (B.S.’15/N), Hallel Basco, RN (B.S.’15/N), a master’s degree (FNP) student; and Taylor Johnson, RN (B.S.’14/N). Christine Stevens, RN, of VCU Health, also joined them.








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