Holly Buchanan Featured in Online ALT Lab Video
Holly Buchanan, D.N.P., M.S., ANP-BC, assistant professor in the Department of Adult Health and Nursing Systems, was recently featured in an online teaching collaborative video through the Academic Learning Transformation (ALT) Lab. The ALT Lab invites faculty to participate in professional learning communities meant to enhance their ability to inquire, imagine, inspire, engage, facilitate, create, teach, and lead. The video places a fun spin on the online learning experience. Buchanan is seen holding a bow and drawing an arrow with a voice-over narrating, “As if her prolific blogging on all aspects of health and medicine weren’t enough, Holly Buchanan’s students are becoming the leaders of the nursing profession. Together, their contributions to accessible and accurate medical knowledge has ended hypochondria once and for all… with perfect precision.” To view the entire video, click here.