Mica’s final blog before leaving South Africa
Hello hello! Sorry I have not had the chance to email much this week…it’s been a busy one. But I am leaving to come home in less than one hour!!! So, to update you on my week…
Monday I was at Greenacres hospital, a private hospital, and I spend the morning in the ICU working with a patient with adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). On Tuesday I went to Chatty clinic and worked in the well baby/sick baby/immunizations area. That was a lot of fun because I got to give Vitamin A supplementation and took some pics of babies being immunized. On Wednesday we went to do home care. This was a very touching event. The family I was assigned to consisted of a blind man and his wife with TB. They had 5 kids and 11 grandkids. We gave them some food, blankets, and seeds for their garden. On Thursday we visited the squatter camps and this was very very sad. I have some pictures to show you because words can not even describe the poverty we saw there. The uplifting thing is that the people were so friendly and pretty hopeful despite their living conditions.
My last week in SA was pretty intense. I have learned so much and seen so much. I will be doing a summary when I return home to the states that I’ll share with all of you. I don’t have many more internet minutes here. Can’t wait to see you — Mica