Students share what they love about VCU Libraries

On Valentine’s Day, Friends of VCU Libraries asked students to share their love for VCU Libraries and the response was…loving.
Hundreds of students enjoyed a quick study break at tables at Tompkins-McCaw for the Health Sciences and James Branch Cabell Library to craft a handmade valentine to share what they love about VCU Libraries. Love for staff and librarians came in waves and also for many spaces and places. One student loves “the basement,” not considered one of the building’s marquee spaces. Some students found it hard to write just one thing.

“Thank you to all of our students and visitors for participating in #VCULibraryLove,” said the Development Office’s Sarah Neely, who organized the day-long events, who will share the love notes with library supporters and staff.
Categories Friends of VCU Libraries, Health Sciences Library, Students