Compliance Corner – Issue 3.6
2 MORE VIDEOS! This month, we follow two more characters from the original annual ethics and compliance training – Dr. Evans’ administrative assistant, Carol, and the subject of the investigation, Dr. Evans herself. Learn how each of them responded to the allegations about Dr. Evans’ behavior. As we come to the end of Fiscal Year […]
Compliance Corner – Issue 3.1
Happy New Year! Innovating in the Face of Risk: Lessons Learned from Cross-Country Skiing Have you ever gone backcountry skiing? This style of cross country skiing takes adventurers into challenging new terrain, often in unexplored areas that require advanced skill to navigate. For experienced skiers, the opportunity to break away from the crowded ski resorts […]
No Mischief Here: Managing a Conflict of Interest
A Compliance Case Study The People: Dr. Florinda Alvarez – A celebrated professor and researcher in VCU’s Department of Psychiatry. She also owns a company called Hypnoloos which includes a hypnotherapy program to help morbidly obese people lose weight and develop healthy habits. Dr. Sami Morton – VCU School of Psychiatry Department Chair The Scenario: […]
Double Trouble in the Lab
A Compliance Case Study The People: Dr. Alicia Farr – Researcher and faculty member, VCU School of Dentistry, Founder and CEO of start-up company Dentura Corinne Jackson – Employee of Dr. Farr’s company Dentura Trey Lewis – A postdoc research assistant in the School of Dentistry Amineh Habib – A postdoc research assistant in the […]
All in the Family
A Compliance Case Study This month, we bring you a two-fer! Or, you might say…”twin” case studies, because we’re focusing on conflicts of interest that can exist when members of the same family work together. Scenario #1 The People: Maryam – A technician in the VCU School of Medicine’s Pharmacology Lab Rafael – Another tech […]