VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

IMPORTANT – Request to Delay Submitting to the IRB

On Wednesday, September 15th, RAMS-IRB went offline to undergo a system upgrade. After it came back online yesterday, we identified an issue with the uploaded documents appearing as blank or not being able to be opened, and we are working to correct the issue and restore those documents. However, it is taking longer than anticipated.  […]

RAMS-IRB is Back Online

In the morning of Wednesday, September 15th, RAMS-IRB went offline to undergo an update. This update is now complete, and RAMS-IRB is once again available for use. The update made changes to the look and feel of RAMS-IRB, including changes to smartform navigation and the reviewer notes interface. Please note: an issue with the documents […]

RAMS-IRB Will Continue to Be Down Until 9/16/2021

In the morning of Wednesday, September 15th, RAMS-IRB went offline to undergo an update. This update was scheduled to complete at 3pm EST. Unfortunately, the update is taking longer than expected, and RAMS-IRB will remain offline until tomorrow morning (Thursday, September 16, 2021). The VCU HRPP will send out a notification once RAMS-IRB is back […]

Researcher Guidance for Using RAMS-IRB 9.0

On 9/15/2021, RAMS-IRB was updated to version 9.0, which resulted in significant changes to the look and feel of the system, specifically relating to navigation and the reviewer notes interface. This blog post compiles resources for researchers who need to navigate RAMS-IRB following the update. The VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) has developed video […]

RAMS-IRB Video: Making Changes and Responding to Reviewer Notes

This video demonstrates for researchers and study staff how to locate, view, and respond to reviewer notes, and how to resubmit a study to the IRB after making changes. You can see this same topic covered in the Navigating RAMS-IRB to Make Changes Requested by the IRB You can see more videos intended for researchers […]

REMINDER: RAMS-IRB Update 9/15/2021; System Down 6am-3pm

As a reminder, RAMS-IRB will be undergoing an update on Wednesday, September 15th, and will be inaccessible between 6am and 3pm EST. RAMS-IRB may come back online prior to 3pm if the update finishes earlier. The HRPP will notify the research community should RAMS-IRB come back online earlier than anticipated. The RAMS-IRB update will have […]

RAMS-IRB Video: Finalizing a Review

This video demonstrates for IRB reviewers how to finalize their reviews in RAMS-IRB, and view the finalized reviews of others. You can see this same topic covered in the Navigating RAMS-IRB to Conduct Reviews gif guide. (See the Finalizing a Review section.) You can see more videos intended for researchers about RAMS-IRB functions by browsing […]

RAMS-IRB Video: Viewing Changes

This video demonstrates for IRB reviewers how to view changes made to a submission during a review. You can see this same topic covered in the Navigating RAMS-IRB to View Changes Made to a Submission. You can see more videos intended for researchers about RAMS-IRB functions by browsing the RAMS reviewer videos tag. You can […]

RAMS-IRB Video: Viewing Documents

This video demonstrates for IRB reviewers how to view and download documents, including accessing previous versions of documents. You can see this same topic covered in the Navigating RAMS-IRB to Conduct Reviews gif guide. (See documents section.) You can see more videos intended for researchers about RAMS-IRB functions by browsing the RAMS reviewer videos tag. […]

RAMS-IRB Video: Conducting Reviews

This video demonstrates for IRB reviewers how to view and navigate through studies, and demonstrates how to log and navigate reviewer notes. You can see this same topic covered in the Navigating RAMS-IRB to Conduct Reviews gif guide. You can see more videos intended for researchers about RAMS-IRB functions by browsing the RAMS reviewer videos […]

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