Human Research Protections News

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Category results for: ethics and integrity

IRB Chair Perspectives: The Importance of the Independence of IRBs

Dr. Ron Evans is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences and currently serves as Chair of the VCU IRB Social Behavioral/Biomedical panel.  Dr. Evans has been a faculty member at VCU since 2003 and an IRB member since 2005. In this article, Dr. Evans reflects on the importance of the IRB […]

HRPP Director Perspectives: The Importance of the Independence of IRBs

Dr. Sanjur “Sandy” Brooks, DPS, MA, is the Director of the VCU Human Research Protection Program. In this article, she reflects on the importance of the IRB operating independently, free from undue influence or inducement. There is an inherent conflict and dichotomy in facilitating human subject research that is not always recognized by those of […]

Research Dean Perspectives: The Importance of the Independence of IRBs

Dr. Michael Donnenberg is the Senior Associate Dean for Research and Research Training and Professor of Internal Medicine and of Microbiology and Immunology in the VCU School of Medicine. In this article, he shares his thoughts on the topic of ethics and integrity, with an emphasis on the importance of the independent operation of the […]