Announcement: “Focused Fridays”
Beginning Friday, April 17, 2020, the HRPP staff will devote their efforts on Fridays to reviewing non-COVID-19 related submissions.
Researchers who need to contact the HRPP on Fridays should call the HRPP’s main phone line (804-828-0868) or email ([email protected]). Emails and phone calls to assigned reviewers received on Fridays will be returned the following week.
Those working on COVID-19-related research who need to contact the HRPP on Fridays should call the main phone line for assistance from designated staff. The HRPP continues to give highest priority to COVID-19-related research: new studies as well as modifications to existing studies as a result of the pandemic.
This approach of a designated reviewing day builds on our successful experience this fall and winter that reduced a backlog of expedited review submissions.
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