VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

RAMS-IRB 101 Interactive Course

IT office

Friday, May 23; 2-3:30pm; Tompkins-McCaw Library Classroom

The IRB is holding an interactive RAMS-IRB 101 course in order to demonstrate RAMS-IRB to researchers and study personnel.  Attendees will practice navigating the RAMS-IRB system and will create a new submission in the RAMS-IRB training environment.

Participants will also be shown where to access additional RAMS-IRB training materials.

(Minimum of 10 to run course.)

Go to to register; search under category “IRB”

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Categories Announcements and Updates, Education and Training