Wright Center Consulting Hours — VIRTUAL (5/21/21)
The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, in collaboration with the VCU Human Research Protection Program, are pleased to offer virtual open consulting hours. These open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom. The consulting hours will include consultants from the following research areas:
- Biostatistics
- IND/IDE/FDA regulations
- Informatics
- IRB (Human Subjects Protection)
- Library research services
- Research Navigator/ClinialTrials.gov/Protocol development
- Office of Sponsored Programs
Consultations will also be available for the following NEW research areas:
- Community Engagement
- Funding/Grant writing
- OnCore
Consultants will be available for drop-in or scheduled VIRTUAL consultations with faculty, students, and staff from any school or department at VCU. Come see us by joining a Zoom meeting on Friday, May 21, any time between 1pm and 4pm.
To join the Zoom meeting, please complete this REDCap survey to indicate the consultant(s) you would like to meet with, and to select a preferred time or to indicate that you would like to drop-in. Once you have completed the sign-up survey, you will be sent an email with Zoom information.
To enable privacy during consultations, this Zoom meeting will utilize a virtual waiting room. When you first enter the meeting, you will be placed in this waiting room. The Wright Center staff member running the virtual consulting hours will admit you to the Zoom meeting and place you in a breakout room with your requested consultant, when the consultant is available.
Faculty, students, and staff from all VCU schools and departments are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to answer questions and receive guidance on both new research studies and existing research studies. Faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to meet with as many or as few consultants as desired.
For questions about these open consulting hours, contact the Wright Center Research Navigator at [email protected]
Categories Education & Training